Ice Cream Cones & Wafers 

From Florentine fan wafers to delicious, crispy chocolate waffle cones that are suitable for one or two scoops, we have a wide range of quality cones and wafers to suit all styles and budgets. Made using the finest ingredients, we have worked closely with our partners to ensure these products are the perfect match for our delicious ice cream.

If you want to take the New Forest Ice Cream branding a step further, then our unique branded cone, made from a crisp, golden-brown waffle features our iconic logo to remind your customer of the brand of ice cream that they have just enjoyed!


Mini Waffle Cone

Fun Sprinkles Waffle Cone

Medium Chocolate Waffle Cone

4 Scoop Large Waffle Cone

Candy Floss Cone

Waffle Basket

Twin Cone


Sleeved Sugaco Cone

Teddy Cone

Em & Em Cone

And many more

Flakes, Toppings & Sauces

A confectionist’s dream – our range of flakes, sauces and toppings are the proverbial cherry on the top of our ice cream. From chocolate flakes to fudge fingers, 100’s & 1000’s to one of five delicious sweet sauce flavours to drizzle over ice cream, making a luxurious treat that the whole family can enjoy. It’s just a topping away!

Mini Marshmallows

Nibbed Peanuts

Rainbow Sugar Strands

Fudge Sticks

Cafe Curls


Fan Wafer

Chocolate Sauce

White Chocolate Sauce

Caramel Sauce

Strawberry Sauce

and more

Accessories & containers

It’s not just consumable products that we offer. Our range includes all the spoons, Napoli pans, scoops and cone holders you’ll need to ensure your business is set up to maximise sales of New Forest Ice Cream.

The additional pans, scoops, flavour labels, cone holders and dishes will help ensure you give customers the perfect serve time and time again.


New Forest Ice Cream - napkin holder

Napkin dispenser & napkins




100ml 1 scoop tub

wooden spoons

Wooden spoons (individually wrapped)

Cone holder









A3 Chalkboard

New Forest branded take away cup 160ml - 2 scoop

160ml 2 scoop tub

and much more

Request Cone Information

Our cone catalogue gives you the complete run down of all our range of cones that are available to customers. Fore more information, please use our brochure request form at the top of the page.