We believe that ice cream is great all year round but it cannot be denied, summer is by far the best time to enjoy the refreshing treat! As the colder months rapidly approach, here at NFIC we take this opportunity to start conjuring up new and exciting ice cream flavours, to be enjoyed by our customers just in time for summer.

It’s a very long and exciting process to get everything just perfect, from the flavour combination to the final taste and texture. We believe it is this dedicated time and planning that makes our recipes so special. We really want to listen to what our customers want to ensure we can continue to deliver the best possible ice cream year after year!

We would love to hear what unique and wonderful flavours you would like to taste. We believe that we can make almost anything into our favourite frozen dessert and would love some new inspiration from you.

You never know your flavour creation could be our next new product release. Now is your chance to make your ice cream dreams a reality! Simply comment and let us know your ideas and suggestions, we can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Request a brochure

Our brochure gives you the complete run down of all our flavours, equipment and products. Just sign up using the ‘brochure request‘ button from our top menu bar.